Nick Boulis
18:39 How do you calculate risk in treating an “incurable” disease?Jonathan Glass and Nick Boulis2012
How do you calculate risk in treating an “incurable” disease? (Nick Boulis)
Science Kit for Jonathan Glass & Nicholas Boulis
Thank you for requesting our science kit.
Our TEDMED talk deals with the risks encountered by patients, investigators, and society when developing a highly technical and potentially dangerous treatment for people with a terminal neurological disease, in this case Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS). The kit contains a PowerPoint presentation explaining a bit about the disease and our approach to treating it by transplanting neural stem cells into the spinal cord. A description of our work can be found in our recent publication (, and in the reference list provided in our science kit. Please also see Jonathan's commentary on "The promise and reality of stem cell therapies for Neurodegenerative Diseases, published in the Dana Foundation journal Cerebrum ( Nick and Jonathan will be happy to discuss any and all of the issues surrounding the topics of neurodegenerative diseases, stem cells therapies, and regulatory barriers to developing and testing innovative therapies.
Feel free to contact us.
Jonathan Glass and Nicholas Boulis.
Founder of the Boulis Laboratory, Emory University School of Medicine