Elliot Swart

Elliot Swart directs our focus to telemedicine and its potential to improve upon, and in some cases replace, current diagnostic procedures.

“In order to realize telemedicine’s potential, we can’t just imperfectly replicate human senses. We have to invent new ways to improve them.” 
—Elliot Swart

About Elliot

Elliot Swart’s computer science education began at the age of eight, when he began programming in Logo. He went on to study computer science and engineering at Yale, did dermatology- and biology-inspired machine-learning research at Stanford, and worked on smart prosthetics at Johns Hopkins. Today he is co-founder and CTO of 3Derm Systems, a telemedicine imaging system that allows any user to take clinical-quality 3D images of troubling skin lesions and upload the images via cloud computing for review by a dermatologist. Elliot leads 3Derm’s technology team in architecting and developing a scalable, high security platform for the transmission of these skin images, and oversees the development of the 3Derm imaging device.

Elliot's Recommended Reading

Elliot recommends the American Telemedicine Association as the “best resource for all progress in telemedicine.” The site includes case studies providing examples of how telemedicine is saving lives across the world.

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