Anne Marie Albano
How to raise kids who can overcome anxiety
How to raise kids who can overcome anxiety
Anxiety awareness expert, Anne Marie Albano is a leading pioneer in clinical child and adolescent psychology. As Professor of Medical Psychology in Psychiatry at Columbia University, Founding Director of the Columbia University Clinic for Anxiety and Related Disorders and Clinical Site Director of New York Presbyterian Hospital’s Youth Anxiety Center, Anne Marie’s work has influenced a myriad of cognitive behavioral treatment manuals. She has also contributed to the Anxiety Disorders Interview Schedule for Children for The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5). She has served as Principal Investigator for multiple NIH funded studies examining the relative efficacy of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, medication, combination treatment, and pill placebo in youth. Her book with Leslie Pepper, You and Your Anxious Child: Free Your Child from Fears and Worries and Create a Joyful Family Life, was a 2014 ABCT Self-Help Book Award winner and 2014 Self-Help Book Award winner from the American Society of Journalists and Authors.
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