VGo Robotic Telepresence System
At the forefront of an emerging area of telemedicine, VGo enables healthcare professionals such as physicians, nurses and clinical specialists, and also patients and family members, to be in two places at once. VGo is in use in multiple hospitals across the U.S., as they seek to leverage this technology to increase productivity, improve clinical outcomes and boost patient satisfaction. Applications include rounds from home or office, consultations in rural hospitals, visits to senior care facilities, rapid second opinions, interpreter services, medical training, long-stay pediatrics and family visits. With VGo, any HCP can visit a patient in a distant location, such as a satellite hospital, a rural clinic or rehab facility, or just a room on the far side of the campus, without having to physically go there. While visiting the remote location, they can move around autonomously, seeing, hearing and speaking as they go - just as if they were there in person. Study after study has demonstrated that more time spent by these professionals interacting with patients translates into measurable improvements in outcomes, often accompanied by shorter hospital stays, reduced admission rates and other benefits. Now with VGo, the “face time” between HCP's and their patients can be increased economically, and all of these benefits can be realized. VGo brings dramatic improvements in performance and functionality. And at a fraction of the cost of earlier devices, VGo facilitates the widespread deployment of robotic telepresence, and brings the opportunity to make a profound impact on the healthcare industry.
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Telemedical Specialist